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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Techfinity’s commitment to privacy and protection of your Personal Data

Techfinity LLC doing business as “Techfinity” (hereinafter referred to as “Techfinity”) understands and respects the privacy of all information that you entrust it with, except for the information that, by its context or nature, is meant for public display at this Techfinity Website (the “Website”) or is otherwise in the public domain. In light of this, Techfinity is committed to protecting your Personal Data and wishes to keep you informed of the nature of the information that Techfinity collects from you and where it uses the same. If you do not provide all the Personal Data required by the Website, you may not be able to use Techfinity or the services of Techfinity, as some of the information may be necessary for providing the services to you.

What Is Personal Data?

Personal data means any information that, when used alone or combined with other information, may be used to identify an individual. This includes, but is not limited to, an individual’s first and last name, e-mail address, mailing and/or residential addresses, telephone number, title, birth date, gender, occupation, contact information and/or other personal information that may be required in order for us to provide a service you request, or may have requested, on the Website (the “Personal Data”).

How necessary it is for you to disclose your Personal Data

The information that may be required to register you as a user of Techfinity will be accessible to other users of Techfinity, except for the portions that you specifically indicate shall not be accessible. Even then, it will be necessary for you to share certain information to enable you to register for Techfinity and remain a member thereof. There are two types of information that you provide: (i) information that is optional for you to share (“Optional Information”), and (ii) information that is necessary for you to share to be able to access and use Techfinity (“Mandatory Information”). You may choose not to disclose Optional Information, and while you have a choice in doing so, disclosing Optional Information may optimize your experience of using Techfinity On the other hand, you will be required to disclose Mandatory Information. If you are not comfortable with disclosing Mandatory Information, you should not register for Techfinity or exit use immediately, as without disclosing the Mandatory Information, you will not be able to use the basic functions of Techfinity You may, at any time, choose to amend or erase your Personal Data from this Website without prior permission from Techfinity

How Techfinity collects your Personal Data?

You will be able to browse the Website anonymously unless you have previously indicated that you wish Techfinity to remember your login identification and/or password. In some circumstances, we may request you to provide Personal Data. Your response to such a request is strictly voluntary. Techfinity uses Personal Data to customize your experience on the Website. We also may use your Personal Data for other business purposes, such as alerting you to products and services that can assist you in your business, promoting site registration, order processing and online customer service. By providing your Personal Data to Techfinity, you hereby expressly authorized it to use the Personal Data in the manner provided in this Privacy Policy and matters connected thereto.

When you visit the Website, you may need to be registered and create a password in order to log in. The use of the Website, and the downloadable information on the Website, may be governed by a written agreement between you, or your employer, and Techfinity Unless you request your Personal Data to be deleted, it may be retained by Techfinity, pursuant to applicable laws, to: (i) verify compliance with the agreement, (ii) track software and documents you download; or (iii) track page visits and usage of other applications available on the Website.

We also may receive your Personal Data from our business partners and suppliers. We intend to use such Personal Data only if it has been collected in accordance with acceptable privacy practices consistent with this Privacy Policy as well as applicable laws.

In general, you can visit the Website without divulging any Personal Data. However, there are areas of the Website that require us to collect Personal Data to complete the customization functions for which they are designed that may not be available to those individuals who elect not to provide the Personal Data requested. You are always welcome to visit the public portion of the Website without disclosing any Personal Data.

How Techfinity uses your Personal Data?

When we collect your Personal Data from you, we will inform you at the time as to the reason we are requesting such Personal Data. Techfinity uses your Personal Data in any or all of the following ways:

(i) To register you as a user of the Website and/or Techfinity.

(ii) To enable it to provide you services as a user of the Website and/or Techfinity.

(iii) To obtain your feedback on Techfinity.

(iv) To provide you with informative communication, updates and news.

(v) To provide you with certain secretarial services, such as appointment reminders, etc.

(vi) To filter the content that you access for relevance.

(vii) To be able to connect you with your healthcare facilities or customers, as the case may be, or with persons with similar interests.

(viii) For statistical and research purposes, including market research.

(ix) To respond to your requests for products, documentation and/or services.

(x) To process your order or invoice.

(xi) To conduct a commercial transaction.

(xii) To correspond with you and/or your company.

(xiii) To enable your subscription or event registration.

(xiv) To process a job application.

(xv) To sending direct marketing information.

(xvi) To personalize the content you review and to better understand how you use the Website in order to improve the services Techfinity provides as well as the Website information.

Upon your acceptance of the Terms of Use, of which this Techfinity Privacy Policy is a part, such an acceptance will include your permission to us to collect and use your Personal Data. However, you have the right to request Techfinity not to contact you for the purposes of sending you newsletters, customer surveys, direct marketing materials and/or market research information. You can exercise this right by clicking on the appropriate option or checkbox at the point where the Personal Data is collected or by editing the Personal Data we have collected.

In specific cases, Techfinity may request your direct consent to use your Personal Data by providing an “opt-in” and/or “opt-out” checkbox in information fields before your Personal Data can be used for any additional purposes to that for which your consent has been or is given.

Disclosure of your Personal Data to Third Parties by Techfinity

If you elect to provide us with Personal Data, we may transfer that Personal Data within the Techfinity entities or to Techfinity-affiliated third parties or business partners. Your Personal Data may be shared within your country and/or across borders from your country of residence or jurisdiction to Techfinity entities, affiliated third parties and/or business partners in other countries around the world so that such Techfinity entities, affiliated third parties and/or business partners may provide services and other operations required to transact business with you. Such Personal Data may include, but is not limited to, account information, credit card information and ordering/invoicing information.

In addition, subject to your consent, Techfinity may share your Personal Data (with the exception of account, credit card, and ordering information) with other Techfinity business partners who may desire to alert you to new products and services to improve your competitive edge, and only in cases where we believe your business interests will be served. If you want to refrain from receiving marketing materials from any of our business partners, please do not provide contact information via the Internet, or let them know directly that you wish to be removed from their contact list.

Techfinity works with certain companies that deliver Techfinity advertising material and undertake surveys on behalf of Techfinity These companies may collect information to help Techfinity determine which products, services and offerings are of most interest to Techfinity’s current and future customers. Unless you have given your explicit consent, the information collected is not identifiable at an individual level. However, it may be identifiable at a company level, with or without your consent, or aggregated at an anonymous level to provide us with general statistics and trends. If you have given your explicit consent for your Personal Data to be identifiable at an individual level, and you have any questions and concerns regarding the same, including queries regarding the companies receiving the Personal Data, you may send your questions at the Website or e-mail us at the e-mail address provided below and we would be happy to deliver relevant information.

In the event that Techfinity sells a part or parts of its business, the Personal Data that we have collected could be transferred to the acquiring company unless you instruct Techfinity not to do so in writing. We will publish a notice on the Website prior to such a transfer.

Techfinity’s policy towards your privacy and data protection

Except where your information is meant for access by other users of Techfinity, Techfinity will not disclose your Personal Data to any third party except in the course of the performance of its services. Furthermore, Techfinity shall use its best efforts to ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized use.

Techfinity maintains reasonable infrastructure, techniques and methods for protecting the secrecy of your Personal Data, and for backing up your data in order to secure it against loss. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your User ID and Password for Techfinity secret and confidential at all times to prevent any third party from misusing your account. In the event of your User ID or Password coming into the knowledge of any other person, you shall indemnify Techfinity, its directors, employees, partners, associates and clients, including Techfinity users, for any costs, claims, consequences and losses arising out of the misuse of your account.


Notwithstanding Techfinity’s commitments to protect your privacy, Techfinity may divulge your Personal Data for any of the following reasons:

  1. Defence and national or public security.
  2. The prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security.
  3. Other important objectives of general public interest of the Union or of a Member State, in particular, an important economic or financial interest of the Union or of a Member State, including monetary, budgetary and taxation matters, public health and social security.
  4. The protection of judicial independence and judicial proceedings.
  5. The prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of breaches of ethics for regulated professions.
  6. The protection of the data subject or the rights and freedoms of others.
  7. The enforcement of civil law claims.
  8. To comply with a court or administrative order, direction or subpoena.
  9. To comply with any provision of the law.
  10. To enable its personnel, staff, employees or partners to provide you with services and improve your experience of Techfinity.
  11. In cases, where despite reasonable efforts by Techfinity to protect your Personal Data, the Personal Data can no longer be kept confidential.
  12. Where Techfinity obtains or is able to obtain the Personal Data from a source independent from yourself.
  13. Where the Personal Data becomes part of the public domain.

Privacy Principles

NOTICE: Techfinity shall inform you about the purpose(s) for which it collects and uses your Personal Data, how to contact Techfinity with any inquiries or complaints, the types of third parties to which it discloses the information, and the choices and means, if any, Techfinity offers you for limiting its use and disclosure in clear and conspicuous language when you are first asked to provide Personal Data to Techfinity or as soon thereafter as is practicable, but in any event before Techfinity uses such information for a purpose other than that for which it was originally collected or processed by Techfinity or discloses it for the first time to a third party.

CHOICE: Techfinity shall offer you the opportunity to choose (opt-out) whether your Personal Data is (a) to be disclosed to a third party or (b) to be used for a purpose that is incompatible with the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized by you. You shall be provided with clear and conspicuous, readily available, and affordable mechanisms to exercise choice. For sensitive information, you will be given an affirmative or explicit (opt-in) choice if the information is to be disclosed to a third party or used for a purpose other than those for which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized by you through the exercise of opt-in choice. Techfinity shall treat as sensitive any information received from a third party where the third party treats and identifies it as sensitive. Techfinity will provide you with reasonable mechanisms to exercise your choices.

SECURITY: Techfinity, while maintaining, using or disseminating Personal Data, shall take reasonable precautions to protect it from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

DATA INTEGRITY: Techfinity shall collect and use Personal Data only in ways relevant for the purpose(s) for which it was collected or subsequently authorized to be used by you. Techfinity shall not process Personal Data in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which it has been collected or subsequently authorized by you. To the extent necessary for those purposes, Techfinity shall take reasonable steps to ensure that data is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Personal Data is accurate, complete and current and Techfinity will not be liable for any mistakes made by you in providing your Personal Data.

ACCESS: You will have access to your Personal Data that Techfinity holds and you will be able to correct, amend, or delete that information where it is inaccurate, except where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to your privacy in the case in question, or where the rights of third parties would be violated.

Techfinity will conduct compliance audits of its relevant privacy practices to verify adherence to this Privacy Policy. Any employee that Techfinity determines is in violation of this Privacy Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment.

Children’s Privacy

The Website does not target and is not intended to attract, users under the age of eighteen (18) years. Techfinity does not knowingly collect Personal Data from users under the age of eighteen (18) years or send requests to users under the age of eighteen (18) years for Personal Data.

Collecting Your Domain Information

Techfinity also collects domain information as a part of our analysis of the use of the Website. This data enables us to become more familiar with the individuals who visit the Website, how often they visit, and what parts of the Website they visit most often. Techfinity uses this information to improve our web-based offerings. This information is collected automatically and requires no action on your part.

Techfinity also collects domain information as a part of our analysis of the use of the Website. This data enables us to become more familiar with the individuals who visit the Website, how often they visit, and what parts of the Website they visit most often. Techfinity uses this information to improve our web-based offerings. This information is collected automatically and requires no action on your part.

Collecting Your Information through Cookies

Some pages on the Website use “cookies,” which are small files that are placed on your hard drive by the Website for identification purposes. These files are used for site registration and customization for the next time you visit us. It identifies you to a Website when you revisit to load your preferences and track the pages you visit. If your browser is set up to automatically accept cookies, your browser will add this text in a small file to your hard drive. Most web browsers allow you to modify the way cookies are handled. You can refuse cookies or choose to be warned when receiving a cookie in order to be given a choice to accept or reject a cookie. By not accepting cookies, you may have to manually input user IDs and passwords to access certain information on this Website.

Securing your Personal Data

Techfinity has put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to

(i) Prevent unauthorized access to your Personal Data,

(ii) Maintain Personal Data accuracy,

(iii) Ensure correct use of Personal Data, and

(iv) Safeguard and secure your Personal Data that it collects online.

However, please take note of the following to ensure the security of your Personal Data and other confidential information you may provide online:

  • Techfinity advises you to protect yourself against unauthorized access to your computer and disclosure of your Techfinity password.
  •  If you believe that your password has been compromised, you should immediately change your password.

If you believe there has been a security breach at Techfinity involving your Personal Data, please contact Techfinity immediately at the address provided below.

Compliance with Laws

Techfinity strives to comply with all applicable and known laws around the world that are designed to protect your right to privacy and prevent misuse of your Personal Data. Although legal requirements may vary from country to country, we intend to adhere to the principles set forth in this Privacy Policy even if we transfer your Personal Data from your country of residence to countries that may not provide the same privacy rights or require the same level of protection for your Personal Data. Our commitment is to protect your Personal Data no matter where it is collected, transported, processed or retained.

No Liability

Not withstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Privacy Policy, neither we, nor our owners, partners, shareholders, directors, management, executives, employees, or other representatives, nor any of our holdings, affiliates, subsidiaries, or associated businesses, shall be liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive and/or consequential damages or losses arising from the leakage or theft of your Personal Data.

Contacting Us

We value your opinions and feedback. Please email us any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy

Right to Amend

Techfinity reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice to you. We recommend that all visitors and users of this Website re-visit this Privacy Policy page, from time to time, to learn of any new privacy practices or changes to our Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Website and Techfinity indicates your acknowledgement and/or acceptance of any changes to this Privacy Policy.

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